Welcome to Grand Lodge Middle East Freemasons

Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons Web-portal

This web site has been created for the purpose of helping everyone search for

the truth about Freemasonry.

There is no secret about who we are and what we do

We are good men trying to improve our lives through faith, hope, and charity.

We help our communities, fellowman, serve our country, and protect our families.

The Mission of this web site is

To teach and perpetuate a way of life that promotes the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God and to assist Lodges to grow and prosper.

The Vision of this web site is

to be the premier organization composed of men of integrity and character, who are honest, true to their word, believe in God, are devoted to family, charitable in their community, and courteous and helpful to each other.

Please feel free to Explore our site

So that you may learn more of

